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CV Primary Essence Bulgarian Rose Essential Oil 5ML

CV Primary Essence Bulgarian Rose Essential Oil

Bulgarian Rose absolute 5ML

保加利亞玫瑰原精 5ML


**全線CV產品9折, 2件8折 TEL/Whatsapp: 9838 1603


它的神秘源於它的稀缺性:要獲得一公斤這種強大的靈丹妙藥,需要 5000 公斤新鮮的花瓣,這些花瓣是使用傳統的 enfleurage 技術收集的。這種方法包括對花瓣進行溫和浸漬,從而巧妙地保存其精緻的精華,確保純度和非常有效的活性成分。通過 enfleurage,我們可以為您提供所有保加利亞玫瑰中最純淨的精華,即 Absolute。一滴這種靈丹妙藥包含了黎明時分手工採摘的 30 種不同玫瑰的核心和靈魂。

與您的皮膚接觸後,它開始發揮其平衡和再生作用,即使在高度敏感或濕疹和易長粉刺的皮膚上也是如此。 .您會在幾天內看到結果。它為皮膚提供絲般柔軟,是一種非常強大的抗皺劑。


Bulgarian Rose absolute is the crown jewel of essential oils. Obtained from the most sublime, pure, and powerful rose: The Centifolia Rose of Bulgaria. Its mysticism is born from its scarcity: to obtain a kilo of this powerful elixir it takes 5000 kilos of fresh petals, collected using the traditional technique of enfleurage. This method consists of subjecting the flower petals to a gentle maceration that expertly preserve its exquisite essence, ensuring purity and very potent active ingredients. With enfleurage we can offer you the purest essence of all Bulgarian Roses, the Absolute. A single drop of this elixir contains the heart and soul of 30 different roses hand-picked at dawn. Upon contact with your skin it begins to exert its balancing and regenerating effects, even on highly sensitive or eczema and acne-prone skin. . You’ll notice results in just a few days. It provides a silky softness to the skin, and is a very powerful anti-wrinkle agent. Its therapeutic properties are endless. As it caresses the skin on the first application, its sublime aroma gives you a feeling of joy and well-being, as it’s reinvigorating and aphrodisiac properties help you come alive. Bulgarian Rose is like a friend’s embrace: its aroma envelops you to comfort and revive you. It also aids with menstrual and uterine problems.

CV Primary Essence 精油列表



精油香水工作坊 調配出屬於自己獨一無二既香水, 送禮自用佳宜, 超過50款精油任你調

日期:2022年7月3日(星期日) 時間:1小時 (製作精油香水20ML乙支) 上課地點: 荔枝角


有興趣同學可預約時間自組班 (1人成班),同時歡迎企業、社區合作。

查詢及報名電話/ Whatsapp :9838 1603



Certificate in Aromatherapy – Common Urban Diseases (Level 2)

1.完成課程後可報讀 TQUK Level 3進升為專業芳療師

2.教你運用天然精油、DIY 產品舒緩常見都市病



  1. 了解都市常見病

  2. 16款精油特性與禁忌

  3. 6款香薰產品製作

  4. 純露與植物油使用

  5. 香薰配方應用

  6. 理論與實踐並重

時數: 30小時

上課地點: 荔枝角

有興趣同學可預約時間自組班 (1人成班),同時歡迎企業、社區合作。

查詢及報名電話/ Whatsapp :9838 1603


Kit Kit IG: aroma_egarden




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